Daylight Saving Time ends
As time ‘falls back’ and it gets darker earlier, students begin to adjust to the time change.
Photo by Maya Arcidiacono
Sunset over San Marcos as Daylight Savings comes to an end
For 114 years, Daylight Saving Time has been observed. And while California has not observed it for its entirety, this year, Daylight Saving Time began on Sunday, March 13; and ended on Sunday, Nov. 6. It allowed for one hour to be gained as the time ‘fell back’.
“I like Daylight Savings because I did get to sleep in an extra hour and then each morning I woke up at six thinking it was seven and it kind of started my morning in a good way,” freshman Emily Antonio said.
Many have to adjust to the time change every year, and while some may not mind this change, others may welcome it or find it unnecessary. It affects an individual’s daily life, from waking up to going to sleep. Typically, it can take about a week for one’s body to adjust to the difference.
“I’m not sure if I would want to make it permanent, because, yes, it does take a bit of time to adjust but it doesn’t take a really long time, it’s just a few days you need to adjust to it so it’s not much of a change,” freshman Kimberly Perez said.
Not all states observe the time change but as it ends in California, students find that it gets darker earlier. California has had votes regarding the time and the majority of the state ruled in favor of establishing permanent Daylight Saving Time in 2018. Some claim that having permanent Daylight Saving Time could be harmful, as it could damage health and sleep patterns. Others believe that the time change is necessary because it adds an hour of light to the work day and minimizes energy consumption and money spent for the energy. Both sides have found and given research to support their sides, and no agreement has been made. However, as of now, no change has been made and the state continues to observe it.
“I feel like it should be permanent due to the fact that we change it and when we change it, it gets confusing…so we can just have one normal time through the whole year,” freshman Evelyn Corona said.
Overall, the opinions regarding the time change vary, and will likely continue to do so. For the meantime, students may enjoy the extra hour that has been gained by Daylight Saving time ending.

(She/her) Returning to the Silvertip for a second year, Cora Chadwick is this year’s Opinions editor. As an editor, she strives to utilize freedom of...

(She/her) Maya is a sophomore who joined the Silvertip in 2021 and is in her second year of journalism. She loves playing sports, reading, and...