The Oscars are a very prominent annual awards show hosted for only the best of the best actors and actresses. Every year, the academy chooses films and actors from their respective movies to go into each category.
Barbie was 2023’s highest-grossing movie with about 1.4 billion sales at the box office, according to Variety. The film received eight different Oscar nominations, but ones for Best Actress and Best Director were left off the list.
“I was really surprised that Margot Robbie didn’t receive a nomination for Best Actress because she really made the movie come to life with her incredible acting. I don’t think the movie would have been the same without her,” freshman Janessa Hildebrand said.
Najwa Rafiqzad said that if Ryan Gosling got a nomination for his role of Ken in the movie, then Margot Robbie should also get a nomination.
“It’s not fair that she didn’t get a nomination and he did considering she was the main character of the movie,” freshman Rafiqzad said. “It is basically proving what the movie is about—the way our world just naturally favors men. Women should be treated as equals and should receive equal opportunity.”
Leah Henselmeier said she believes that Greta Gerwig should have received a nomination for Best Director.
“The Barbie movie was so moving and powerful because of Greta Gerwig’s amazing directing skills, so I think that makes it deserve a nomination,” freshmen Henselmeier said.
Although it’s disappointing that Gerwig and Robbie didn’t get the recognition many believe they deserved for Best Actress and Best Director, they were not left off the list entirely. Gerwig had received a nomination for Best Adapted Screenplay and Robbie for being one of the executive producers.
Overall, it’s important to not overlook the fact that the Barbie movie still got some incredible nominations, including a Best Supporting Actress nomination for America Ferrera.
Students Believe Barbie Stars Were Snubbed by the Oscars
Photo by Kaiya Barris
Leah Henselmeier stands next to the Barbie poster in a Regal’s Theater.
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Kaiya Barris, Staff Writer
(She/her) Kaiya Barris is a freshman here at Mission Hills, and this is her first year as part of the Silvertip. She joined journalism because she thought it would be a great opportunity to expand her writing and photography skills. At her middle school, she was the photographer for sports like cross country and track and field. She was also one of the leaders of her middle school’s ASB. She was put on the principal's list, which celebrates all students who maintained a 4.0 all throughout middle school.