Beyond Van Gogh paints the halls of the Del Mar racetrack

Beyond Van Gogh is an immersive and artistic experience that has taken up the halls of the Del Mar racetrack.

Photo by Kenzi Holmes

Grab your tickets online, make a reservation and go experience art like never before.

Art has never been more immersive and surreal. Vincent Van Gogh’s whimsical and historic art has taken up the Del Mar Race Track, creating an immersive walk through experience of his timeless pieces.
Beyond Van Gogh has taken up residence in one of the halls of the race track in Del Mar, its art like never before. New technology is being utilized to cover all the floors and walls with Van Gogh imaginative and dream-like art. The art covers over 30 thousand square feet of space and displays over 300 artworks painted by Van Gogh. The art show is accompanied by music that truly immerises one into the full experience.
“The reason I had initially wanted to visit was to see the main attraction, the immersive painting room. It was the last room in the experience and it was basically like a slideshow of some of Van Gogh’s pieces that made you feel like you were really in the painting with the delicate ways they moved and transitioned to the next,” freshman and employee of Beyond: Van Gogh, Alyssa Rae, said.
Art invokes many emotions, and this exhibit is no exception. The beautifully painted pieces surround the viewer, allowing themselves to immerse themselves into Van Gogh’s intentions when painting the piece.
“I definitely cried a little bit. . . I definitely felt really passionate, I guess you would say, just because looking at his art and then getting to see all the emotions he put into it, it’s like a lot of empathy, and I feel a lot of empathy towards it,” junior Mikayla Bautista said.
Along with the art, the atmosphere around the art equally contributed to the overall experience of Beyond Van Gogh, invoking both thoughts and emotions through all who attended.
“The atmosphere of the exhibit was really calming, because the music in the background was classical music and went with his time period so it really put you in his place, and made you feel like you were in the art,” Bautista continued.
People who attended the exhibit also had some favorite art pieces, as Van Gogh’s work is unique and depicts many important stories.
“My favorite piece that is displayed at the exhibit would most likely be ‘Skull of a Skeleton with Burning Cigarette.’ I’ve heard it be interpreted by guests as a message to the health effects of smoking as grief continues in the afterlife. Either way, the effects of Van Gogh’s pieces certainly left an imprint on the people I’ve seen come and go through the exhibit,” Rae said.
To purchase tickets to the experience visit the Beyond Van Gogh website to schedule a date, and time to visit the experience. The experience is highly praised, and is a huge opportunity for locals and Van Gogh fans alike to come and experience Van Gogh’s timeless art.
“Pictures don’t do it justice, you have to be there to experience it,” Bautista ended.