Sports Recap: May 16, 2022
This is your weekly sports recap.
Photo by Principle Mitchell
Sophmore Shakespeare winding up for the home run
Last week our baseball team had a game last week against Westview and won five to two. Today they had a game against Otay Ranch and won seven to zero. Making their seasonal record 21 wins and eight losses. They have one upcoming game against Montgomery. Tomorrow-Wednesday, May 18 at 3:30 p.m. here on their field.
Last week they had two games; the first game was against Rancho Bernardo and we won two to one, the second game they went up against San Marcos and we won 13 to three. Making their seasonal record 16 wins and 11 losses. The next upcoming game is tomorrow-Wednesday, May 18 against Otay Ranch at 3:30 p.m. on their field.
Track and Field
Last week our track and field team competed in the CIFs prelims and made it to the finals. Saturday, May 21, this weekend they will be competing in the CIF finals at 9:00 a.m. at Mt. Carmel.

(She/her) After three years on the Silvertip staff, Hailey Cruz has returned for her fourth and final year to serve as the Business and Managing Editor,...