The Mock Trial Club finishes their season with one last closing statement
The Mock Trial Club says goodbye to their 2023 team with success in it’s second season.
The Mock Trial Club competed their final round of the 2023 San Diego County High School Mock Trial competition on Feb. 25, winning three out of the four rounds and receiving recognition for their hard work over the course of the year. With a bittersweet ending, this team is walking away with tired yet bright smiles.
In Mock Trial, students take on several different roles including attorneys, witnesses, bailiffs and clerks. They are presented facts and evidence and must form an argument based on the evidence given. Being only the second year of this club, a majority of the members have never competed and were anxious for the upcoming competition.
“During the competition I was extremely nervous, to the point where I could feel my heartbeat in my fingertips. Once I was on the stand though everything around those feelings almost evaporated out of my body and just zoned into the competition,” said sophomore Kendra O’Leary, a first-year member.
The Mission Hills Mock Trial team pulled through and with hard work were able to make it further in the competition than the original team last year. At the end of the different rounds, four MVPS were chosen by the opposing team: freshman Daniel Ashlock (Round 1) and seniors Sierra Stanly (Round 2), Kyra Capezzone (Round 3), and McKenna Crenshaw (Round 4).
“I think we were a little underprepared in the beginning but as the competition got closer and closer, we really stepped it up and did amazing,” freshman Logan Chang said.
After the final round, each competing team was gathered to recognize the hard-work of every student and award various honors, such as MVPs and the winning team. MHHS Mock Trial’s prosecution attorney, McKenna Crenshaw, won the Outstanding Prosecution Attorney Award; this was the first time in the team’s history that a member has won one of the Outstanding Awards given to each role of the competition.

“I’ve only been in it for two years and I have already gained so many skills; public speaking no longer phases me and I learned a lot about our legal system. Most importantly, I learned how to work with other people. I highly recommend this club to everyone,” said sophomore Dhruv Ajit, next year’s club president.
With newly chosen officers for next season, the team hopes to continue to grow and surpass the accomplishments that the past two teams have achieved. New members are always welcomed, and the club will be looking for students to join come the start of next semester. If interested in joining Mock Trial, be sure to email Dhruv Ajit ([email protected]) for more information.

(She/her) Samantha Wong is a senior and has returned for her fourth year in journalism. In her free time, Samantha enjoys reading, sewing, drawing, and...