Advisor and student thoughts on GSA starting up again
GSA opens their doors to every student at Mission Hills every Tuesday at lunch.
Photo by GSA Flyer
GSA starts up again this year to provide a safe space for everyone.
As the year began, the Mission Hills Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) Club was not running, nor seen at Club Rush. But eventually, the first meeting took place on Sept. 20 where students were able to go to Room 340, and meet others who were interested in supporting equality for LGBTQ+ kids and creating a safe space to eat lunch.
Dorothy Orlowski, the current advisor, is happy to see the club return. “I’m excited that it’s starting again; I know that it was a fun and safe gathering place for many like-minded students on campus,” said Orlowski, Yoga and English teacher.
Orlowski now allows students to meet every Tuesday in Room 340 for GSA Club, and they will talk amongst themselves, whether it be about change on campus or a casual lunch conversation.
“I really enjoyed it last year. Also, I wanted … to feel safe and to be able to be myself,” sophomore Milla Balliet said.
As the club develops throughout the 2022-2023 school year, the hopes for those participating are that plans can be made to support LGBTQ+ youth on campus and spread awareness for equality. Another goal for the club is to gain members who are passionate about spreading equality.
“I joined GSA because I wanted a fun place to find a community and [find] support, and hopefully support other people. In the upcoming year, I hope to increase the number of members and to have fun,” said sophomore Jessica Post.
As the club resurfaces, acceptance and gratitude will be given to any supportive member. So, for those wanting to join, head to Room 340 on any Tuesday. Although it was not clear at the beginning of the year, a bright future is planned for the GSA Club. Even if it does not amount to what is hoped, it is an opportunity to bring kindness and joy to others, which is always an opportunity to pursue.

(Any/all) Daniel Ashlock is a sophomore working in the Silvertip for a second year. Daniel believes that publishing news and spreading awareness in ONE...
Marge • Nov 4, 2022 at 11:27 am
This is a great article that provides an opportunity for kids who are often marginalized. I wish the GSA club much success as they are really needed on campus.