Mission Hills establishes the “Grizzly Zen Den”
With the demands of a school day, a place such as the Zen Den can be a place to unwind.
Photo by Kelly Amador
A peaceful space for students to relax and take a breather as peaceful sounds are played in the background.
Whether students feel overwhelmed or just need a quiet place to relax, the Grizzly Zen Den is the perfect place for any individual looking to have some peaceful downtime. The Zen Den was created with the purpose of ensuring students had a quiet place where they could take the time to destress and get away from what can be an anxious school environment.
“Students will definitely [feel better] after visiting the Zen Den, it’s not something to second guess yourself about, if you need to take a break from the world or just recharge, the Zen Den is always there for you,” sophomore Natalia Torres said.
The Zen Den has been in the making for many years, starting as a small corner with coloring books created by Mrs. Goldstein, one of the counselors here at Mission Hills. At the time, Goldstein recognized that there had to be a space dedicated for detachment from the endeavors of school.
Mrs. Martinez, another school counselor, felt inspired by this idea and proposed creating the zen den to the district. They agreed and since then Mrs. Martinez has been in charge of ensuring the zen den provides for every students’ needs.
“The Grizzly Zen Den was a community movement that made me feel proud to be a Grizzly. This is what Grizzlies do, we band together and do it for the well being of our students. We were motivated in knowing that students could have a safe place,” said Susan Martinez Alejandre, school counselor.
On campus there are several places where students can hangout or get work done such as the Future Center, the library, classrooms and even the quad area. Unlike these others, the Zen Den isn’t a hangout spot for friends or a study place, it’s a place where students can have a place to quietly and peacefully cope with their emotions.
“I think the Zen Den is a great idea, sometimes people at home may not have access to a safe and quiet place where they can work with their emotions in private so creating the Zen Den was an awesome idea,” senior Natasha Avila said.
The Zen Den also has a variety of resources such as hygiene products, coloring books, weighted blankets, weighted stuffed animals, a diffuser and so much more. Also implemented, are different areas in the room to unwind, including a meditation and yoga area. Grizzlies have access to helpful information surrounding mental health.

To access the Zen Den, students can go in through the counseling office and request to enter. After 15 minutes, students can request more time or ask to see their counselor if needed. Ultimately, the Zen Den experience is individualized and catered to the specific needs of individual students.
To learn more about tips on overall emotional well being, students can visit the SMUSD Wellness website that provides resources based on individual needs. Students can also access the Student Supports and Resources page that lists links and numbers to people who can provide help. Additionally, view this article to learn more about how SMUSD is working together with the community to improve mental health awareness.

(She/her) Kelly is a Senior and this is her first year as a Silvertip staff member. She loves that the Silvertip crew has created a safe space where students'...