The recently-finished-airing YA (young adult) show on Disney+, Percy Jackon & The Olympians, has caused quite a stir with its popularity. After the famous book series, the show was received with high expectations.
“I had enjoyed reading the books before, when I was younger, so when I heard they were going to make a tv show adaption of it, I was really excited,” said freshman Sehna Fiamor.
As Fiamor shared, her excitement rose from previously reading the books from which the show was inspired. Many fans share this sentiment and it makes the book readers happy that one of their favorite series has finally gotten more recognition. However, the show isn’t just about the plot the books had; there’s also the cast to take into account.
“I loved the actors. Even though they were pretty young, they played the characters really well and made the show a great watch,” said freshman Leah Henselmeier.
The cast has a very important influence on the viewers’ opinion of the show, and as Henselmeier stated, it did not disappoint. However, while the acting was great, there were some things here and there about the cast that some viewers didn’t seem to like at first.
“Annabeth in the books is described as a blonde girl, but the show didn’t show her like that. While I think the diversity in races was great, I think the characters had some visual key points from the books that should have been shown the same in the show because it added to their overall personality; but, I think the cast still was really great,” said freshman Kaiya Barris.
Although there was the factor of the cast not meeting the expectations visually at first, as the show progressed, the viewers started becoming more fond of them and noticing their acting abilities. The book series consists of five books in total and the first season of the TV show was completely based off of the first book, so viewers are enticed and ready for more seasons. The second season was recently confirmed on Feb. 7 to be renewed, leaving fans in soaring excitement.
“The first season was really good, so I think the next season is going to be amazing as well,” said Fiamor.
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: Fans’ Opinions on the New Popular Disney Show
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About the Contributor
Suhani Kamal, News Editor
Suhani Kamal is in her first year of journalism as a freshman, and she is on the Silvertip leadership team as the news editor for this year. As part of holding this position, she is looking forward to learning more about the process of perfecting news articles. She is also looking forward to becoming a better photographer and learning the skills to become a proficient writer. She is on the JV tennis team here on campus at Mission Hills and is also part of a Toastmaster gavel club outside of school. With hopes to excel in the course of journalism this year, Suhani is excited to write articles and share important news with other students on campus.