Let’s face it, the style at Mission Hills High School could use some improvement. Maybe this is because of students’ constant need to fit in, or their jam-packed schedules, but one thing’s for sure: light-up Sketchers are an easy way to combat any dull outfits with their exquisite glow. Here are five extremely valid reasons one should consider introducing them into their life.
Firstly… Comfort. It’s no secret that Converse, though they look cool, offer about as much arch support as a brick. They, like many other shoes, also take a couple days to break in, since one’s feet have to rapidly heal the accumulating blisters. Maybe, with these sneaker-like shoes, everyone’s feet will be happier.
“The Sketchers company actually makes shoes that are for sports while other popular shoes like Converse just focus on the aesthetic,” freshman Suhani Kamal said.
Secondly… They solve power outages. As of now, power outages are nothing to laugh about. However, when the world gets their hands on a certain pair of glow-in-the-dark shoes, they will be a pretty laughable matter: all of the Sketcher-wearing population would be completely safe.
“The whole point of light up sketchers is to provide a colorful and bright light source. If there was a power outage, they would help light up the room and make sure you don’t fall or trip on anything,” freshman Kaiya Barris said.
Thirdly… They’d encourage a new tradition. Perhaps one of the most anticipated senior traditions is the wearing of kids’ backpacks, featuring characters like Dora or the Ninja Turtles. This trend is certainly here to stay, but who says the incoming classes can’t invent their own trends? Imagine that next years’ rising seniors started a new one: a brighter legacy to leave behind for generations to follow.
“I would wear light up sketchers my senior year,” freshman Dahlia Valencia said. “They can be used to make any outfit amazing, plus they’re super versatile!”
Fourthly… They would reintroduce color and bling to the campus. It cannot be overstated how much these kicks would light up this fine establishment. Now, there’s not necessarily anything wrong with the way people dress now, but there are so many areas for improvement! Starting with the easily solvable issue of footwear.
“Light-up Sketchers are way better than the basic black and white shoes everyone wears.” Kamal said.
Lastly… they would assist in forming connections. Complimenting someone’s shoes is probably the easiest way to start a conversation. Such compliments will come naturally with more people wearing Sketchers. Just think: this simple exchange could spark countless bonds and friendships amongst the MHHS students, making the campus a more unified and connected community.
“A Sketcher-filled school would be fun and welcoming, like we were back in elementary school again.” Barris said.
Five Reasons to Bring Back Light-up Sketchers
Photo by Camille Fischer
Freshman Lola Sisler suffers from the affects of not having light-up Sketchers. Her experience shines a light on many students’ issues.
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About the Contributor

Camille Fischer, Business Manager/Editor
(she/her) Camille Fischer is a freshman, new to the world of journalism. She is the Business Manager for the 2024 Silvertip leadership team. By being a part of this group, she hopes to improve her communication skills and inspire her fellow students at MHHS through every story she writes. Camille is on the school cross country team and plays soccer in a club team outside of school. She loves reading and helping out her community, hence her involvement in CJSF throughout middle school.