The 2023 Grizzly Showcase promotes what Mission Hills has to offer future Grizzlies

Hosted in the Grizzly Pavillion, the Grizzly Showcase presented what is offered at Mission Hills.

Photo by ONE TV-Calee Leavitt

Assistant Principal Ryan and Principal Baker stand together at the Grizzly Showcase.

On March 15, the 2023 Grizzly Showcase was hosted inside the Grizzly Pavillion to highlight the courses, clubs, sports and extracurriculars Mission Hills has to offer. With food trucks and a welcome from Principal Baker to start the night, the Grizzly Showcase highlighted activities at Mission Hills to the community and incoming freshmen.
“I wanted people from the community to see just how much pride our students have in being Grizzlies. I’m just so stoked about this because I feel like for years we’ve had the pandemic, it’s hard to really celebrate who we are as a school and so this is the perfect opportunity to show how much culture and how important this school really is in the community, you know?” said Joshua Garcia, assistant principal.

The Grizzly Showcase also included simultaneous campus tours guided by ASB students, a tour of the music program in the amphitheater and counselor presentations in Redwood Hall and the library. The activities presented at booths throughout the gym also included classes for students to take in the coming school year, with students and staff promoting what they are involved with on campus.

“I just really enjoy cooking and how much creativity you get with the cooking process, there’s so many different variations of things you can do with a meal, I think it’s pretty fun,” said sophomore Jovani Badillo, Culinary Arts II student.
What is offered at Mission Hills gives students opportunities to become more involved on campus. Some may take on many activities at once, balancing them all while attending school.

The San Marcos Youth Commission displays what their organization is about. (Photo by ONE TV-Calee Leavitt)

“I’m actually involved in Key Club, I just signed up to be a part of the Baile Folklorico club, I do several internships throughout the school year, I’m part of the Boys and Girls Club as well. My schedule does get a little bit clumped up because some of the things I do overlap and can be stressful at times, and it comes to a point where you have to do one thing over another,” said junior Aliza Mejia, AVID student.
Students supporting their passions were also able to learn about other interests and ways to be a part of the grizzly community.
“I definitely wanted to promote both [cross country and track and field], definitely with all the seniors that are leaving I wanted to keep my [sports] spinning. I also definitely wanted to see more of the courses offered online like VAPA and on campus activities… today was definitely a fun way to see more of my campus and understand more of what these clubs mean, I was able to join a few and I’m really happy about that,” freshman Jalani Ras said.
Information about all classes offered in the 2023-2024 school year can be found on the course catalog. Details about clubs, sports and other activities can be found on the Mission Hills High School website.