Seniors excited for the upcoming Senior Gala

The Senior Gala on February 11 has attending seniors excited for the event.


Photo by Aryanna Martinez

Seniors Kylie Rodal and Ryan Finley stand in front of the ASB room.

High school is a memorable period for any teenager: making friends, learning more about themselves, the world, and their place in it. Social events such as prom or graduation night are especially important parts of this journey, but Mission Hills hopes to create an additional memorable experience with the return of an important event: the Senior Gala.
The Senior Gala has been a part of Mission Hills for almost a decade, and was one of the major events of senior year before the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite having been on hiatus for over two years, Mission Hills’ ASB has put plenty of effort into making sure the gala goes as smoothly and celebratory as possible.
“Being a part of the planning of multiple dances, the Senior Gala took a lot of effort […] to execute. Bringing back an event that was popular prior to COVID is difficult because many of the current seniors may not have known it was an annual event here. Months of planning was conducted trying to find eligible venues, caterings, games, and getting everything approved,” said senior Kylie Rodal, President of the ASB Senior Class Officers.

The Senior Gala should represent the class of 2023’s memories and the shared experiences our class has undergone through our four years in high school.

— Rachel Neri


Events at the gala will be similar to other school-sponsored parties: playing games, eating desserts, taking photos, dancing, and simply having fun with friends. Moreover, those that attended prom as juniors are looking forward to the gala, hoping that it will provide new experiences that will add on to the ones they made at prom.
“Honestly, [I’m] probably [more excited for] the senior gala, because I went to prom last year and […] I still had fun at prom, and it was a fun experience, but I thought it was just kind of boring. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t gone to the Senior Gala, but I would say that I’m more excited for the Senior Gala and what it has to offer,” senior Caleb Wohlgemuth said.
However, the Senior Gala represents more than only being yet another party that seniors can go to. This is one of the last major social events aside from prom that seniors are able to go to before graduating, and many are looking forward to this party acting as one last hurrah before that happens.
“The Senior Gala should represent the class of 2023’s memories and the shared experiences our class has undergone through our four years in high school. We can use this night to reminisce on all of our memories and enjoy one of our last high school events,” said senior Rachel Neri.

ASB is hosting the Senior Gala at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. More info can be found at @missionhillsasb on Instagram (Photo by courtesy of ASB)

Coming February 11, the Senior Gala may appear to be yet another party for seniors, but looking closer, it is one final to enjoy the bonds and progress made before the finality of prom. Given the few months seniors have before they go off to college or join the workforce, what better way to cap off their time at Mission Hills?
If you are interested in attending the gala, be sure to check ASB on Instagram at @mhhs2023 and @missionhillsasb for more information.