Morning routines can make or break a day, and everyone’s routines are different and unique. Some do not have a routine in the morning. Morning routines are very general as we do the same things every day like going to school. Maddy Donlon and Taymar Pettie at Mission Hills reveal what they do to prepare for the day and their morning routines before school.
“My morning routine includes waking up and getting ready for the day, and then I eat and go to school. My favorite part of the day is picking out my outfit because my outfit reflects my mood,” said junior Maddy Donlon.
Donlon’s morning routines are pretty organized, reflecting how her day is organized. Her outfit also shows her personality and mood in the morning. Like many other routines, Her routine helps her prepare for the school day ahead.
Some people have a very active morning routine, like Taymar, ¨I run or work out every morning to help get in shape for basketball.¨ Freshman Taymar Pettie.
This routine can help you wake up for school and get you prepared for sports or just to get in shape. Setting time for yourself in the morning is very important. We don’t get much movement during the school day, especially if you don’t have a P.E. period. Some benefits according to are ¨Can have mental benefits, can help make healthier choices, and getting better sleep.¨ Running helps with these benefits, it can help get in thoughts, and sleep and running/exercise go hand in hand.
These students have good and very planned-out morning routines. These morning routines can help them have more energy and better time management. Only some people have an organized schedule, but it is important to have a routine to prepare for school. Being organized in the morning can help students have a calm morning instead of running around trying to get everything done.
Rise and shine: A peek into Mission Hills morning routines
Photo by Payton Aleksandrian
The alarm started the day at 6:00 am on Dec. 9, 2023. This is the time a lot of students wake up to go to school; this everyday alarm helps get into a schedule.
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About the Contributor

Payton Aleksandrian, Staff Writer
(She/Her) Payton Aleksandrian is a Freshman at Mission Hills High School who loves rollerblading and hanging out with friends. She chose Journalism because her friends were doing it, and thought it would be a fun class. She is thrilled to be part of this class and to hopefully make some great stories for the Silvertip.