HOMH: Librarian Lora Diaz’s love for books runs deep
Photo by Kenzi Holmes
Lora Diaz surrounded by her favorite things.
“My mom is also a librarian, so I grew up with her working at a middle school when I was in middle school. I got to help out; I checked books out to kids, processed books, that kind of thing. She was really my inspiration for going into this field. I am all about science fiction. I love science fiction, I’m always looking for the next great science fiction author. Right now, I’m really into an author, his name is Adrian Tchaikovsky. He’s Russian, but he’s actually just British. He does a really good series called “Children of Time.” I highly recommend it. Space operas, anything like that, I’m totally into. I’ve worked in public libraries before; it’s definitely a different feel. If you work in a public library, you’re dealing with anyone who comes through the door. Anyone of any age, any background, and they come up to you, and you never know what they’re going to say. You think you know what you’re going to say, then they ask you a question, and you’re like, ‘wow, I never knew you were going to ask that.’ So it’s definitely different. I really like working in schools, and I like working with kids. So I would never want to leave Mission Hills.”

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