When is a better time to start goals than the new year and second semester? Being a student, it takes work to set goals and follow them, especially when the goals are not worded right or are too difficult to follow. Goal setting can help people be prepared for the future and gain focus on what they want to do.
“When I don’t complete my goals, I change my goals, so it becomes better and more manageable,” said freshman Lindsay Miller.
This is a great way to help complete one’s goals. Some other ways to help finish goals are by making them more specific, like “reading more books”; instead say, “read thirty books this year.” This can help by being able to know how to accomplish a goal, instead of stressing about how many books to read or what goals to set.
“Smart goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound,” according to mindtools.com.
SMART goals are a way to make a goal the finest it can be. A goal needs to follow these easy steps. The goal needs to be specific. It also has to be measurable, as in being able to track the process of completing the goal. It has to be achievable. People need to be able to achieve their goals or else there is no point in making it. Relevant means it applies to life. Students should make their goals time-bound as well; this means putting up time limits to how long it should be. If people follow the “SMART goals” template, it will make their goals a lot more manageable.
“What prevents me from completing my goals are things coming up, like sometimes I can’t complete my homework and my grade unfortunately drops,” said freshman Galilee Haris.
When people cannot complete their goals, they tend to be hard on themself. After all, they worked so hard on making it. Things come up and that’s okay. Pushing through is the key to finishing goals. Changing goals, or making them more bite-sized can help make them more manageable and easier to finish.
Goals can help in a lot of ways, like focusing, boosting motivation, and finding out what people want to do in life. As students, it is very important because after high school students have the real world to figure out. Setting goals can help along the way.
Goal Getter: Mastering the Art of Goal Setting
Photo by Payton Aleksandrian
Maddy Donlon writing down her SMART goals. She was trying to make goals using the SMART goal-taking method at Mission Hills High School. Donlon said, ¨I want to make goals for senior year so I can get better grades.¨
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About the Contributor

Payton Aleksandrian, Staff Writer
(She/Her) Payton Aleksandrian is a Freshman at Mission Hills High School who loves rollerblading and hanging out with friends. She chose Journalism because her friends were doing it, and thought it would be a fun class. She is thrilled to be part of this class and to hopefully make some great stories for the Silvertip.