Many students are late to their first period class. They are always making excuses and saying that their alarm did not go off, they had to drop off their little sibling first, or traffic was bad. It is important for every student to get to class on time so they don’t miss valuable information. Here is what students around Mission Hills do to make it to school on time.
“I leave the house with plenty of time to get to school in case anything happens,” senior Bryen Hoops said.
One of the best things to do to get to school before the bell rings is to leave the house on time. Students tend to set their alarm the day before to give them plenty of time to make it on school before the bell. To be safe, some students would set it earlier just in case something comes up. It is always better to get there early instead of late. Some people have to drop off their siblings or take a way that might have traffic, it is important to put that into consideration while setting the alarm.
“I set my alarm earlier than I need to get up because I always snooze it,” freshman Galilee Harris said.
It is important to know how long it takes to get up in the morning. Some students set their alarm earlier becasue they know they snooze it. Setting the alarm earlier than it needs to be helps them wake up at their own pace. It is important to not set the alarm too late and snooze it causing the morning to be rushed leading to be a bad day.
“I lay out my outfits and put everything I need in my backpack the night before.”
Another thing that helps people get out of the door faster is to organize what you will need for the next day. This will give students more time in the morning and make them feel more prepared to take on the school day. When they have less to do in the morning it can mean that they can sleep in a little longer. A few minutes can make all the difference. Be prepared the night before to make sure that everything is ready to go in the morning. The last thing anyone wants to forget is an important assignment that they stayed up late doing.
Being on Time to Class
June 2, 2024
Photo by found on Instagram
There are multiple ways to get into Mission Hills High School. This is the one from the student lot that most students use. “I always get dropped of in the student lot.” freshman Galilee Harris said.
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