Assistant Principal Tina Hernandez hopes to emphasize inclusion and equity
Photo by Aryanna Martinez
Assistant Principal Tina Hernandez stands outside her office as she adjusts to her new role.
February 22, 2023
Fulfilling his new role as principal of Mission Hills, Nathan Baker’s previous position went vacant–Tina Hernandez has now been promoted to Assistant Principal. Being moved to his position, Hernandez has respect for Baker as a long time staff member at Mission Hills and is determined to continue on in his footsteps.
“What I really like about him is I feel that he has every stakeholder’s interest at heart. I think that’s really important in that leadership position of principal is that not just that you know the different stakeholders, but that you understand them and see their needs because like we talked about before, in order for a school system to work, everybody is a part of the puzzle, everybody is a slice of the cake, right?”
As AP, Hernandez hopes to improve student quality of life through strengthening and connecting all aspects of campus life.
“I would say my goal [in] short is that we continuously enhance our systems so that everybody, regardless of background, culture, language, skillset, ability, have equal access to what happens in the classroom as well as outside the classroom because we all need different things. I might need certain things whereas you may need other things to be successful, but for me, it is inclusion and equity, that everyone [has] access to the content and also what happens outside of the classroom because I think holistically, that’s what creates a complete person.”