Skye Day makes light of every new change

Photo by Jennifer Day

With willingness and perseverance, the luminous Skye is able to face new challenges head-on

Story by Ariana Jorden, Editor In Chief

Being a member of the National Honor Society is only one of Skye Day’s many achievements in her two years of being a Grizzly and entire high school career. She was the recipient of a prestigious award at her previous high school known as the “Order of the Crest Award,” for students with a 4.0 gpa and Athletic, Activity and Academic letters showcasing their tremendous hard work. 

   “Skye Day is a remarkable young woman with an incredibly bright future ahead of her. Her determination and work ethic combined with her courage to speak her mind make her well equipped for any challenge that she may face at a university and beyond,” said Mr. Barratte, Mission Hills Government and Psychology teacher.

   With an exuberant and kind heart, Day has put her dedication into each activity she’s been a part of—even after the significant amount of adapting she’s had to do as a child in a military family. Day has had to make many changes after moving several times and starting fresh at Mission Hills her junior year.

   “I have moved a total of six times and been to six different states,” Day said. 

   “I have played varsity field hockey and varsity swim all four years. I am the public relations officer of our robotics club which I’ve been on since my junior year, I did JROTC my freshman year in Colorado at the Air Force Academy, I was manager for boy’s swim my freshman and sophomore years, and I also volunteered at an Ovarian Cancer run two years in a row.”

   Day found an interest in architecture and engineering and got involved in STEM through robotics club. She decided to make those interests her major with the support of her mentor and  engineering teacher, Mrs. Carl. 

Skye has made such an impact on her peers and teachers. As her engineering teacher, I couldn’t be more proud of what she has done, and excited to see what her future holds.  She is a strong, smart, motivated, and detailed orientated young lady-all great skills for a career in architecture.  I have always been impressed with her skills along with her commitment and sense of responsibility,” Mrs. Carl said.

Skye is going into a 5 year architecture program at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York, after high school. 

“I think 10 years from now I will most likely be working under an architecture firm or working as a privately contracted architect, with little to no student debt, hopefully living in a house I designed with either friends or a partner, with lots of dogs, cats and guppies,” Day said. 

Although being at Mission Hills for only half of her high school experience, Skye has definitely had an abundance of fun and a circle of great friends in her time as a grizzly.

“When we brought back the robot from one of our competitions on a weekend the sun had just gone down, so we ran around playing hide and go seek while our teacher was unlocking the rooms so we could put everything away! The many trips to Souplantation during field hockey season introduced me to a new era of food buffets; and all of the antics we did on the swim team like rushing to Chipotle before meets or jamming out on the bus or dancing behind the blocks.”

Day wants others to relish in the excitements and opportunities that high school has to offer, and is confident that she won’t repeat the mistake of getting involved much later when she’s in college. 

“I think I regret not joining clubs sooner and trying out for more things. My advice to underclassmen is just be yourself; do what you want and don’t be afraid of being judged, and join clubs sooner!”