Yaneth Garcia’s passion for the medical field is off the charts
Yaneth Garcia makes Mission Hills proud as she takes triumphant strides towards her bright future in the medical field.

Photo by Hannah Larson
Garcia gleams as she anticipates her feats of the medical field
January 23, 2019
While she may not wear a white lab coat or carry around a clipboard, Yaneth Garcia (11) is taking steps to prepare for a future in the medical field. The summer before the 2018-2019 school year, Garcia participated in an internship at the naval hospital on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. This eye-opening event revealed the intricacies of the world of medicine to Garcia and propelled her towards a career as a physician.
“We would get to the hospital, have a lecture, and then usually do some activities, such as explore the facility, take a tour of the emergency room, learn about sutures on pigs’ feet or dissect a cow’s heart. There wasn’t any traveling outside the base, but we did get to go to different parts of the base for our lectures,” Garcia said.
Garcia was exposed to various branches within the field of medicine, including physical therapy and the process of labor and delivery. Rather than focusing on one specific arena, the internship program allowed for a wide scope of activities ranging from the study of trauma to the the sampling of blood.
“The internship was a one-time summer event; I would love to do it again, but unfortunately, you can’t do it more than once. I learned so much from my experience and definitely think it will help me in the future,” Garcia said.
Instead of being an experience that dampened her enthusiasm for nursing, Garcia’s volunteer work served to ignite her passion for medicine. One often has to sample a bit of their “dream job” to see if it truly fits their skills, abilities and interests or if it is merely a passing intrigue. In Garcia’s case, her textbook knowledge of nursing collided with her hands-on experience and cemented her plan to pursue a career as a medic.
“I would definitely recommend it for other people, because we got different experiences with various parts of the medical field. I learned a lot from the internship, and it just made me more excited to one day enter the medical field. At the moment, I’m not too sure what I want to do, but I’m leaning towards working as a nurse or a surgeon,” Garcia said.
As she looks forward to college and her eventual career, Garcia is determined not to let her plans for practicing medicine flatline. She is taking steps to continue being involved in internships and workshops related to surgery and human anatomy in order to gain more knowledge about how best to treat various ailments. The experience she is receiving acts as a stethoscope that tests the steady rhythm of her love for nursing, and so far, her heartbeat is strong.
Rachelle • Feb 4, 2019 at 11:51 am
I like that she wrote about her trip to the marine corps base of everything she saw. What Interested me the most was about sutures on pigs’ feet and when she got to dissect a cow’s heart. I think that this is a very nice experience for her to learn what she would be doing in the future and see if she really likes what she will be doing. I think it sounds very exciting .
Valeria N. • Feb 1, 2019 at 1:41 pm
This was a good article and the writer has a talent with words
Hannah Larson • Feb 1, 2019 at 1:35 pm
Hi Anna! If you go to the Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton website and click on the “Compliments, Concerns and Questions” tab on the top right of the screen, an email address and phone number for Customer Relations Feedback will pop up. If you contact them, they should be able to give you the desired information. I hope that helps!
Abby Larson • Jan 27, 2019 at 4:47 pm
Wonderful wordchoice author Hannah! Your ideas and quotes flow really well!
Anna Weaver • Jan 25, 2019 at 12:25 pm
I enjoyed this article. It sounds like Yaneth has a bright future ahead of her. Is there information available about how other students can get internships?