Sophia Perun turns the page to the next chapter of her life
Photo by Laurel Perun
Sophia Perun wholeheartedly believes in the beauty of self expression and being yourself.
June 11, 2020
Sophia Perun radiates an unapologetic, free-flowing energy everywhere she goes. Because of this, it comes to no surprise that she has found love in the self expression that goes into the MHHS marching band performances and the “The Silvertip” production.
“Sophie is one of the most genuine, kind-hearted students and has led our staff with more grace and maturity than I could’ve expected. I have always seen her follow her heart through a story. She is a role model for others while never compromising her own values,” Mrs. Ryan said.
The summer between her junior and senior year, Perun took her journalism experience into the real world with her internship at a newspaper in Placencia, Belize. As an intern, she wrote and edited stories, covered local news, took pictures, and did two layouts for the “Placencia Breeze Newspaper.”
“I love talking to different people, especially from a different culture. Because they live in a different country with a different way of life, different values, etc., it was really fascinating hearing their stories, experiences, and perspectives. It was also very interesting because I don’t relate to them in many ways yet I could still empathize with their feelings like pain or joy. Being able to communicate the different ideas and point of views through the stories I was writing and pictures I was taking was probably my favorite part,” Perun said.
In her experience at Mission Hills, Perun’s life and ways of thinking have been influenced by the majority of her peers, friends, teachers, and other staff. Notably, Perun has found local heroes and inspiration in those who don’t fail to be themselves.
“I usually take and leave what I want or don’t want from a person because I am not going to idolize one single person in their entirety. In general, the people who inspire me the most are the people who are shamelessly themselves and don’t compromise who they are to fit in. I really appreciate when people are nice to others no matter who they are because it shows that the person does not need to belittle others to feel good about themselves and I think that it shows that the person has a genuine sense of confidence,” Perun said.
The past four years of her life has left her with one piece of advice for incoming highschoolers and underclassmen:
“Just do what makes you the happiest—whatever that is for you—and be who you are unapologetically. Don’t dwell on the negative emotions or have a negative attitude thinking it’s going to change what you’re upset about. Make this chapter of your life worth telling and cherish the moments and people while you have them,” Perun said.
As she begins the next chapter of her life, Perun takes her own advice and keeps her memories close to her heart. She plans to go to Palomar before transferring and studying sociology. Once she has a degree, she hopes to join the Peace Corps and get a career in social services or research.
Although she won’t be here next year, Perun’s wholeheartedness and free spirit remains in the minds of those she knew as teachers and friends in her time spent here.
“Sophie is one of those ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ kind of friends where we equally admire each other and also learn from one another. She makes sure to prioritize herself and I learned a lot from that. I’ll always remember our walks to coffee shops and going to the beach,” Marlene Calderon (12) said.
Mitra Zarinebaf • Jun 11, 2020 at 9:20 pm
Queen!!! I am so proud of you Sophie!! <3