Grizzlies enter the virtual arena to compete for the Clash of Classes trophy

Photo by Gigi

The kick-off rally has been the official start to the competition for the past two years, however due to the circumstances, online might just have to do.

Story by Marbella Ramirez, Business and Managing Editor

   A tradition reserved for the rowdy, crowded plaza has taken a different approach this year as ASB creates the first completely online version of the highly anticipated Clash of Classes. As students prepare for online classes to start on Tuesday, April 13, Clash of Classes starts Monday. Points are collected by participating in and winning various challenges throughout the week, the grade with the highest point count at the end of the week wins.

   “For the class of 2020 I expect nothing less than a win! (knock on wood) This competition has been something that’s truly brought our entire class together and really unites us. It’s the one thing that everyone participates in. It shows off our competitive Grizzly side and dedication to Mission. Although it will be virtual this year, I know the class of 2020 is ready to bring it. Not even a pandemic can crush our spirit,” Olivia Barcoma (12) said.

   This year’s games were created in the likeness of the traditional competition, but with the twist of it all being done at home. For completed challenges to count, take a picture,   include your grade level and submit it. There are various ways to submit your picture: email your picture to [email protected], text your picture to (909) 375-4507 (an anonymous number overviewed by Ms. Hinman)‬, or post and tag or direct message @missionhillsasb on Instagram.

   “My biggest goal for Clash of Classes is to have some kind of unity over this school closure because while we’re all apart, Clash of Classes gives us the opportunity to work together towards something that is such a big event on our campus. Also, as a senior with a lot of events being canceled out of our control, it’s important for me that I put my best effort to put on something that I can do rather than focusing on what I can’t,” Mya Graham (12) said.

   The first challenge of spirit day participation is essential to Clash of Classes. This year’s intention was to follow a quarantine friendly concept, therefore all spirit day attire is meant to already be in possession by most Grizzlies. Spirit days are as follows (Monday-Friday): pajama, workout, around the world/travel, Grizzly pride, and class colors (seniors: red, juniors: green, sophomores: yellow, and freshmen: blue). The grade with the most participation earns 100 points.

   The second challenge takes place of Pasta for Pennies. This year, instead of donating change, the goal is to donate time. All tasks are worth the same amount of points and must have a picture of proof submitted to count. ASB has already posted examples of service projects accepted to their Instagram account. One submission per student, per day, is allowed. The grade with the most participation earns 150 points.

   The third challenge brings the fun of daily games to the comfort of your own home. Each day starting on Monday at 1 p.m. a new game will start. Monday’s game is a Kahoot! Trivia. Details will be released before the game starts and Google Hangout will be used to show the Kahoot! screen while players play. Points will be earned from class participation and being a ranked winner. For points to count, please remember to add your grade in your Kahoot! nickname. Tuesday’s game is Scattergories. The lists will be released at 1 p.m. through Google Hangout,  submissions will stay open to count participation. The first few people to submit will earn extra points for their grade. For Wednesday, minute-to-win-it games will be individually timed by grade to compete for best times. Thursday makes way for a scavenger hunt. Once the list is revealed participants may submit their proof by texting (909) 375-4507 with their grade. Participation gains points for the grade and the first few to submit will gain extra points. Friday is more of a challenge than a game. Create a TikTok out of the list released by ASB, make sure it is school appropriate and submit it. The grade to win “most participation” earns 100 points.

   The final way to earn points is through the class flag competition. Design and create a flag for your class by Wednesday. The flag can be any medium and it is encouraged to be as creative as possible. To submit take a clear picture of the flag and DM the @missionhillsasb Instagram. All submissions will be posted on Thursday and the flag with the most likes wins 50 points. 

   The month of April may be spent online, but hope is never lost in our Grizzly nation. Let the games begin and may all the odds be in your grade’s favor as the Clash of Classes trophy once again goes up for grabs!