Shannen Charlton goes Super Saiyan
Photo by Gigi Downey
Charlton beams as she considers her impending success.
June 12, 2019
Seizing opportunity is what separates the leaders from the followers, and that is exactly what Shannen Charlton did when she stepped up to take over the anime club once the previous president resigned.
“For anime club, I lead the other students and make sure the rules I set up are followed and that we aren’t a hindrance to the teacher. There have been a couple of problems, mainly my own incompetence, and it can be kind of stressful; but I think it’s definitely molded me into more of a leader. It helped me with my confidence, because I’m less afraid to confront others,” Charlton said.
Charlton’s experience as a club president has improved both her technical and social skills. She originally had a hard time choosing the correct people to hang around and be friends with, and her time in her club has not only introduced her to great people, but given her the strength to leave those who are not.
“At first it was my fault choosing bad friends. My freshman year I had a friend that turned out to be manipulative, in ways that still affect me. It wasn’t until I took a look around me and decided that something needed to change that I gained more confidence and discovered who I was. Eventually, I was able to settle into a place where I felt comfortable, both in my life and amongst a group of friends that I appreciate, and I met a group of friends that I’ll cherish for the rest of my life,” Charlton said.
The knowledge that comes with responsibility and the encouragement from her teachers, and a nudge from her friends, has inspired Charlton to continue in life as a leader and seek a career in teaching. So far, she plans to go to Palomar and continue onto a four year university to study history and psychology.