Parks’ participation on campus will be missed
Photo by Ethan Pham
Elizabeth Parks does like Ponyboy and stays gold.
June 12, 2019
Elizabeth Parks is a smart cookie with a sweet tooth that matches her delightful personality; people who know her agree that she makes their lives a little sweeter. Not everyone is lucky enough to get into all the colleges they apply to, but Parks’ acceptance letters come as no surprise to teachers and friends who recognize her endless effort and diligence.
“One day, hopefully sooner rather than later, you will realize your potential and see just how amazing you are. You’ve reached great heights in high school, but didn’t stop there. You helped other students reach theirs, and I’ll always be thankful for your presence in our AP program. I feel confident that your blood, sweat, and (many) tears will continue to pay off in college and beyond. I’m so proud of you Elizabeth, and I believe in you more than you know. It’s time that you believe in yourself,” said Mrs. Markgraf, the I Am AP Coordinator.
Puppy-eyed Parks has a passion for animals and is most likely to adopt an elephant or save a species from extinction. She hopes to fulfill her dreams of making a positive impact on animals at UC San Diego as an Ecology, Behavior and Evolution major—yes, it’s one major!
Ready to find a new home, Parks is leaving the cozy niche she found in Academic League, I Am AP club, and journalism; and many will miss her leadership and mentorship as a varsity member, tutor, and Co-Editor in Chief of The Silvertip.
“Liz is someone you know you can trust with anything, no matter what. You never have to doubt how genuine she is. She’ll make a difference just by being herself because of how inspiring and kind she is,” Natalie Ha (12) said.