Varsity Softball preps for their season
Photo by Maleah Moore
March 15, 2019
The softball team is getting ready to swing into their season by prepping with scrimmages and practicing everyday after school. The girls had a home scrimmage against Ramona High School and an away scrimmage against Westview High School.
The team started off slow in their game with Ramona, because it was their first time playing together. Nonetheless, the girls managed to pick up their usual flow as soon as the game kicked off at 3:30 PM.
“Right off the bat, our pitchers were able to shut the other team down; they didn’t allow them to score any runs. We had a slow start hitting, but we were able to pick it up and put a lot of runs on the board. Overall, we had clean plates, no errors, and a pretty smooth game in general,” Cameron Zytkewicz Ray (9) said.
They managed to gain the lead in practically no time, and before they knew it they were claiming victory against Ramona. This in itself is huge for the girls, seeing as this is their first time playing as an official team.
Westview High School didn’t knock the girls down either, as they continued undefeated. Seeing as the softball season just started, scrimmages are an effective way for the team to practice in a game situation. Both of these scraps have helped them build their relationships and skills.
Unfortunately, the team lost in their first game at Kit Carson Park against Bonita High School. Despite the loss, they aren’t giving up on themselves or each other.
“I think that we work well together. We are really strong as a team and good with communicating. We work smart. Based on what we’ve done so far I see this season being full of success,” Autumn Poppett (11) said.
We can’t wait to see how the softball team will do in their games later this season. Go Grizzlies!