News recap for March 1, 2019

Your weekly recap for all things news.

Story by Mitra Zarinebaf, News Editor

  • President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in Vietnam for a denuclearization summit. However, it was cut short after they were unable to negotiate a complete resolution. Conflict appeared between how to prepare sanctions, as North Korea would prefer the price to be lower than the United States suggests in order to support their faltering economy. Now, as they schedule a third summit, North Korea is looking towards China for aide while South Korea has begun to intervene in order to increase North Korea’s denuclearization.
  • Walmart faces controversy by letting go of their standard greeters in an estimated thousand stores. While it may support their overall profit, others cite that it lessens opportunities for people of disability. They propose a new and more convenient employment dubbed “customer hosts” who will be lifting stocks, collect shopping carts and standing for long periods of time but it still has not eased the worries of the soon-to-be-let-go workers.
  • As tensions tighten in the Executive Branch, Donald Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen testified for the House Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives. Last year, Cohen pleaded guilty to violations of the 2016 election campaign financing, tax fraud and bank fraud. During the testimony, the Committee battered Cohen on multiple alleged tyrannies of Trump and his campaign, either believing him to be a liar or martyr of truth. This event may be a prologue to a possible conclusion of Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel Investigation on the President’s relationship with Russia.
  • Historical conflict between Pakistan and India arises once again as relations between the two grow more and more conflicted. Their dispute treads over the Kashmir region where the two countries have not come to consensus on an official border. Now, hostility is up in the air as this week, Pakistan shot down two military jets and captured one pilot. He was released on Friday, March 1, after Pakistan confirmed that although they want to deescalate tensions, they had fought in retaliation to an Indian attack on security forces.

What are your thoughts on the topics above? Is Michael Cohen telling the truth. Is Walmart’s goal discriminatory? Let us know in the comments below!