Mission Hills High School AP testing has arrived once again with many new faces having never experienced it before. New AP students will need as much information as they can going into the test, like knowing what to expect from the test itself.
Testing season is a stressful time for many students, especially those experiencing such a long, arduous, and difficult test for the first time. Newcomers’ experiences can often be defined by uncertainty and anxiety, as multiple-hour testing sessions can seem daunting. This combined with the high expectations of being an AP student brews a high degree of nervousness.
“It’s a lot of pressure… to do good on your exams and be as good as your classmates, if not better,” sophomore Theo Dreier admits.
AP testing carries a lot of weight for both new students and returning testers with the fear of failure looming over everyone. Many students believe AP testing is the best way to make college less stressful, both financially and academically. This fact is exacerbated by the inexperience of first time AP students who are unequipped to handle such an important assessment.
According to the College Board website, “You can graduate college early and save money on tuition by earning credit through AP Exam scores,” proving their importance for college-bound AP students.
When first experiencing Advanced Placement courses or testing, it can often feel like every grade you receive decides your future. Students that are college-bound want to relieve some of the financial or academic pressure that higher-education entails.
Sophomore Daniel Ashlock believes that high-school AP achievement maximizes his chances for college admissions as well as scholarships. More factors rely on AP scores for some students than others, creating one of the most nerve-wracking experiences for AP students.
“Overall, it’s definitely still intimidating… They put a lot of pressure on students; I know a lot of kids make sacrifices to take the tests,” senior and veteran AP student Joaquin Del-Pago recounts.
Despite his experience and expertise regarding the topic, the pressure and expectations remain. This fact cements the poor image AP testing has garnered and how it can be addressed.
The Mission Hills community can raise awareness about the test beyond just the format of the test itself. Students would benefit from knowing the layout of the room they will be in, the ID sticker system, and how each packet is wrapped (and how they cannot be opened prematurely). Once the populus is made more aware of this, anxiety will decline and mental preparedness will prevail.
AP Testing in 2024
Photo by Jacob Lawrence
Jacob excitedly prepares for the AP test because he wants a 5 on his exams. Exam season has started and time to study is running out!
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About the Contributor

Jacob Lawrence, Staff Writer
(He/Him) Jacob is just a little guy who enjoys the little things in life. He is an avid fan of nerd culture who loves getting along with everyone out there. He’s more interested in personal stories and the complexities of each and every soul on campus. He joined journalism this year to pursue his interest in seeing the world through a more personal lens.