Upon entering kindergarten, students immediately begin to develop friendships and find companions amongst their peers. Finding a like-minded yet different individual that one could confide in was a lovely and compelling thrill. As some friendships blossomed, others often found themselves dwindling; toxicity infiltrates friendships and claims formerly healthy and positive friendships.
“I believe that if a person isn’t happy in a relationship, they should slowly start distancing themselves from that person or talk to that person about how they feel,” Emily Luong (10) said.
When feelings of uncertainty and discomfort arise within loved ones, communication is the best way to settle things in a mature manner. One should never feel afraid to share how they truly feel, especially if they’re being mistreated by someone they consider a friend. If a person isn’t willing to think about the way someone else is feeling, then they’re not meant to be in a relationship.
“What I would do is tell the toxic person the truth and say that I don’t feel like the friendship is working out. It’s always best to be honest, because sometimes the toxic friend isn’t aware of their behavior, and honesty can make changes to alleviate that,” Hailey Nature (11) said.
Being honest about one’s feelings in a friendship will allow the other to understand what is going on within the relationship. Oftentimes, a toxic person tries to put blame on their friend, which can worsen a situation. Many feel the need to lie to themselves about the reality of a situation, because they’re afraid to let go of an individual who has been so important to them.
“I feel you should surround yourself with people that make you feel comfortable and special. Being with the people who actually care about you is the best feeling, especially after being hurt by someone who was toxic for you,” Cecilia Nguyen (11) said.
Students need to grip onto every ounce of courage and strength they have and part ways with those who ridicule them and make them doubt their self-worth. In the end, it does not matter how long or how happy a person once made someone feel; if the relationship is toxic, the friendship should end. People should always reflect on their actions and how they make others feel in order to ensure that they aren’t the toxic friend themselves. Resources are always available; if a confidant is needed, counseling is ready to help.